The Drama department is an exciting and innovative department within the school. It is led by Charlotte Kendall working alongside Natasha Hooper.

Drama is available to students at KS3 with two lessons a fortnight. At KS3 we focus on building theatrical skills such as characterisation, script work, devising their own plays and understanding of dramatic techniques within a wide range of theatrical styles and topics.  This prepares students to study Drama at KS4 and KS5.

KS4 is an exciting and dynamic GCSE, using AQA. The students will:

  • Devise their own performances
  • Analyse live theatre
  • Study a play text selected by the teacher
  • Produce a final performance for an external examiner.


At KS5 we now offer a Drama and Theatre Studies A-Level, again using AQA. This academic and practical course develops students’ understanding of theatre, their performance skills and their devising of theatre.

Drama students at KS4 and KS5 will be offered many opportunities to experience live theatre on visits with the department. Any theatre experiences they can gain outside school will support their learning immensely.

KS3 Drama Club meets once a week and works towards extra-curricular performances.

The Creative Arts Faculty have worked closely together recently to produce whole school performances of School of Rock and Mary Poppins.