Media Studies GCSE revision
WJEC GCSE Media Studies
Exam Date: Monday 4 June 2018
Exam Topic: Television News and News Websites
Your exam is 2 and 1/4 hours and is slit into two sections:
Section A – You will be shown a TV news broadcast to analyse and also have to draw upon your own detailed examples from news broadcasts.
Section B – The Creative Task. You will be asked to create a media text for a News Website, this is likely to be a mock-up of a homepage or sub page, or a feature article. You must then analyse your work and discuss wider issues around the production of websites.
Online Revision Links – In addition to the revision guides handed in class,, please consistency visit the following online portals:
English Literature GCSE revision
Students should regularly be recapping the texts that we study as part of this course.
- Shakespeare’s Macbeth (all students study this)
19th Century Novel
- A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens for the 19th Century text(all students study this)
- Power and Conflict poetry anthology (all students study this)
- Unseen Poetry (all students study this)
Modern Text
- Golding’s Lord of the Flies (some students study this text)
- Priestley’s An Inspector Calls (some students study this text)
There are various ways to revise for this subject. Here are some options:
- Re-read the texts (this is essential).
- Memorise key quotations (see the quotation bank resource for Lord of the Flies and Poetry, as well as the Macbeth revision guide available to buy in school by Quotation Bank).
- Create character cards: brainstorm key characteristics with quotations.
- Plan essays- this is one of the most valuable revision tools.
- Create theme cards: brainstorm all of the key themes per text and consider which characters link to these themes and why. Find quotations to support each key theme.
- Invest in revision guides and workbooks to support your independent study (more information below).
In addition, there are various resources available to download here:
Lord of the Flies
Power and Conflict poetry
- Macbeth Revision Guide
- Revision topics for Macbeth
- Scene by scene key quotations
- Macbeth visual revision guide
- Letter Quotation Bank for Macbeth
Unseen Poetry
Recommended resources
English Language GCSE revision
How to be successful in English Language?
Read, read and read.
Fiction: read novels, plays, poetry.
Non-fiction: read a broadsheet newspaper article a day (The Guardian, Independent, The Telegraph, The Times etc).