Exam Board: AQA

What does the course cover?

Component 1: Breadth Study 1C The Tudors: England 1485-1603 (50% AS and 40 % A-level)

This option allows students to study in breath issues of change, continuity, cause and consequence in this period through the following questions:

  • How did the Tudors restore and develop the powers of the monarchy?
  • How effectively was England governed at this time?
  • How did English society and economy change at this time and with what effects?
  • How far did religious and intellectual ideas change and develop?
  • How important was the role of key individuals and groups?

Component 2 Group 2Q: The American Dream: reality and illusion, 1945-1980 (50 % AS and 40% of A-level)

This option provides for a study in depth of the challenges faced by the USA at home and abroad as it emerged from the Second World War as a Superpower. It explores concepts and ideas such as American identity, social equality, ethnic identities and encourages students to reflect on the nature of democracy, political protest and the power of the media.

The course covers the Presidencies of Truman, Eisenhower and Kennedy in Year 12 and Johnson, Nixon and Reagan in Year 13.

Component 3 (to be taken in year 13): Historical Investigation (20% of A-level)

An essay of 3,000-5,000 words on a topic of your choice.

What skills will the course help you develop?

Studying History will help you develop your analytical skills and ability to construct an argument as well as giving you an understanding of how events have shaped Britain in the last century and a knowledge of the wider world. The course will help you develop your own opinions and to formulate well-reasoned arguments. You will learn how to critically appraise a historical source and will be able to research an area of History which you have an interest in. With an emphasis on written communication, personal research and discussion, History A Level will help you develop a range of important skills for the future.

How is the course assessed?

The course is assessed through 2 exams and one piece of coursework in Year 13. There are two exams at the end of Year 12, comprising of essay and sources questions. At the end of Year 13 there is one coursework essay of 3000-5000 words on a topic of your choice plus 2 exams of two and a half hours.

What do students who study this course go on to do?

History is one of the ‘facilitating subjects’ and as such is suitable preparation for a wide range of university degree courses and employment opportunities. This subject is widely applicable to many different areas, such as Law, the Sciences, Anthropology, Maths and other Arts based subjects.

What are the entry requirements?

Students wishing to study History should have 5 GCSEs grades 9 to 5, including a 6 for English language. We would expect History A-level students to have studied GCSE History.

Who is the staff contact for History?

Ms Riches is the Head of Department, working with Mr Maddox.

Reading and resources

America 1945-80

The Tudors