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GCSE revision guides

All GCSE students are provided with a GCSE revision guide for each unit and these cover the key terms, content and include sample exam questions. Revision guides will be referred to regularly in class during Y11 and are expected to be used for revision continually throughout the year.


The BBC has produced a very good revision website for both KS3 and KS4.

For KS3 students should look at:

  • The Middle Ages
  • Tudors & Stuarts
  • Industrial & Victorian Britain
  • Modern World History (Germany, WW1. The Inter-War years, WW2 & Vietnam)

For KS4 students should look at:

  • Vietnam
  • USA 1919-41
  • Medicine Through Time
  • The Cold War- the Korean War

Site Visits

The following places can also aid students’ learning:

  • Sulgrave Manor, nr Banbury
  • The Globe Theatre
  • Warwick Castle
  • Claydon House, Buckingham
  • The Science Museum
  • Ashmolean Museum, Oxford
  • Bletchley Park, Milton Keynes

A-level text books

All text books are provided for Y12 and Y13 students for each module. The textbook is signed out and is the student’s responsibility. Lost or damaged textbooks will need to be replaced by the student. Books are referred to throughout the teaching of the course and are expected to remain in the students’ presence during all lessons. Most are available for online download also, which is an option many of our students chose to ensure they never forget books for class, homework and revision.

Department laptops

The department, along with the other Humanities subjects, has access to a trolley of 30 Windows enabled laptops This will allow students, along with the use of ICT suites, more access to all online resources and revision aids throughout their course.


Students are expected to have a pen, pencil, and ruler on them at all times.