Students who find maths slightly more challenging or who are struggling to achieve target at GCSE are ordinarily identified in the department as requiring additional support.
Where possible sessions are run for different year groups at different times each week where a range of maths teachers and 6th form maths students help small groups build attainment and confidence in topics identified as more challenging.
GCSE Y11 Morning Maths groups run in tutor times twice a week on Mondays and Tuesdays where Mrs Heighway, Mrs Ballard-Brown and Mr Cooper work with groups of students who require additional support.
All students are given workbooks that are used in these sessions to focus on specific topics that will be the most impactful for them. These groups usually have 5-10 students per group and they rotate throughout the year allowing different groups of students the opportunity to work in this environment.
Drop-in sessions run throughout the department on a weekly basis for anyone wanting further assistance with a specific topic from class, help with maths homework or just an opportunity to extend their mathematical knowledge. Sessions run on:
- Sixth Form – Friday lunchtime in B119 with Mrs Heighway, Mrs Ballard-Brown and Mr Cooper
- KS4 – Thursday lunchtime in B117 (Week A) and B002 (Week B) with Mr Salter and Mrs Holding
- Years 8 and 9 – Monday lunchtime in B004 (Week A) and B118 (Week B) with Mrs Ristea and Mr Clarke
- Year 7 – Wednesday lunchtime in B003 (Week A) and B001 (Week B) with Mrs Williscroft and Mrs Laverick