Numeracy can be thought of as mathematical literacy – it includes the essential skills needed for solving problems, processing information, making decisions and interpreting data.
Being numerate is about appreciating number relationships and interpreting answers, and not just about doing calculations.
Numeracy includes:
- Being able to critically assess statistics used by advertisers or politicians
- Being able to manage family budgets – credit cards, offers at supermarkets and so on
- Being able to estimate – in all kinds of situations, e.g. journey speed, time and distance, roughly how much a bill will be or your expected bank balance at the end of the month…
- Being able to solve problems and make decisions in a numerate way
In order to increase levels of numeracy throughout the school, we have introduced the ‘Form time Numeracy’ into KS3 tutor times. One morning a week is dedicated to numeracy within tutor groups where a problem is presented ranging from times tables practise, functional skills work and number bonds.
KS4 students will instead work through GCSE revision workbooks in form time one day a week to strengthen their knowledge required for GCSE exams at the end of year 11.