All year 11 students will be set by their teacher both in and outside of class as required. Papers will be set as homework from October half term and will be one of the main sources of revision for students. All papers will either be marked by the class teacher or self-assessed using model answers in class. Students must make a record of areas for development and are then encouraged to go away and independently revise these areas. If the situation arises where multiple students are finding a specific area challenging, the class teacher will revisit this topic during the revision period.
Revision websites:
- Sparx is ideal for students wanting a personalised independent learning tool with video explanations linked directly to questions on specific topics. Homework will also set on here by class teachers which will cover recent topics as well as interleaving topics from previous weeks. Website: https://www.sparxmaths.uk/
- MyMaths breaks topics up into interactive lessons where students can follow online explanation similar to those in class, worked examples and answer questions provided along the way. Each lesson come with an on-line homework which provides a short range of problems for students to try and mark easily. For those wishing to boost themselves up to the next grade there are booster packs also available with tasks in line with each grade boundary for all 4 strands.Website: co.uk
Revision at A-Level will normally revolve around past paper practice. Packs of all practice questions for each topic are given to students in booklets in year 13. Students are expected to use these as part of their independent revision outside of the classroom. Some may be set also for homework during revision periods and therefore marked in class using model answers. Through these papers teachers and students can identify areas for development and therefore allow students the information needed for where to target revision.
Together with past papers students are able to use:
- Chapter reviews: made up of practice questions and sectioned into topics, these reviews which will have been marked throughout the year allowing students to revisit and start to recognise how examiners are likely to pose questions in different topics. Many students find this one of the main areas they need to focus on as identification of the topic within a questions is one of the most challenging parts of the examinations themselves. Each review is also graded when marked, allowing students to see clearly which chapters of each module to focus on more with revision than others.
- MyMaths website: this has a fantastic section for some of the modules. It breaks the working down easily for students to follow and test themselves accordingly.
Website: mymaths.co.uk