
The Bicester School Science Department has formed a close partnership with Viridor, the company running the Energy Recovery Facility (ERF) at Ardley. Viridor is part of the FTSE 250 Pennon Group. They are committed to making a positive contribution to the development of their employees and the environment. Viridor operates over 320 facilities across the UK, transforming ‘waste’ into the items and energy that society will need tomorrow.

As a rapidly improving school with the core aim of improving and increasing the number of students taking high level science qualifications, we want to open up as many potential opportunities and pathways to our students as possible. Viridor are keen to make links with a local school and make a significant contribution to the development of the scientists and engineers of tomorrow.

Through our partnership, we have:

  • Taken a large number of our students to visit the ERF to support their science learning
  • Hosted Y11 revision days in the conference facilities at Ardley
  • Worked closely and very successfully with Viridor staff on the Go4SET programme and Engineering Education Scheme
  • Placed a number of students on high quality work experience with Viridor

We are grateful for all the support we have had from Viridor and look forward to this partnership developing further in the future. In particular, we plan to:

  • Continue to run the Go4SET and Engineering Education Scheme
  • Integrate our visits to Ardley into our Science curriculum to allow all students to develop their learning in context
  • Develop our extra-curricular and curriculum based activities relating to environmental sustainability
  • Encourage more students to pursue science as part of their career plan and post-16 options
  • Support our students in applying for high level university funding and apprenticeships offered by Viridor.

Viridor1          Viridor2

Primary schools

In addition to transfer days and British Science Week, we welcome visits from our neighbouring primary schools to support their teaching of the science curriculum. We can arrange to host primary school students to make use of our laboratories and teaching staff or can loan specialist equipment.

Primary schools should contact the Head of Science to discuss in more detail how we can help.

Primary1      Primary2