The Bicester School offers the Duke of Edinburgh programme across the years at school. This programme is an excellent chance for students to broaden their horizons, to feel empowered, to support them as they learn new skills, overcome obstacles and build confidence and resilience. Year 9s can start at bronze level, year 10s at silver and year 12s at gold. If choose to start the programme later in your school career, you also do not need to have completed the level before. All you need is determination and a want for personal growth and development.
Students undertake 4 sections for their award, a section working on a skill of choice, one on a fitness/physical goal, one to undertake some volunteering and the final is the expedition. All of these put together are the perfect opportunity to expand your horizons outside of the school environment and really get to grips with the modern world and all it has to offer. The length of the section varies depending on your level – the higher the level, the longer the time you will dedicate to it.
The expedition element of the awards is always what draws our participants in – whether its the stunning countryside, chance to really push yourself, the digital detox or just getting to go camping with your friends – DofE expeditions are always a brilliant experience.
If you are interested in DofE or have any questions about the programme at TBS – please contact Miss Withers ( For general information about the DofE programme, visit“