The History department have pulled together a list of useful resources including podcasts covering a wide range of subjects.

BBC Sounds – Homeschool History

King Charles II: The Big Sequel
The Great Fire of London
Mansa Musa
Mary Queen of Scots
Mary Seacole
The Battle of Hastings
Florence Nightingale
The Space Race
The Restoration

Tudor Dynasty Podcast

Telling the stories of those who lived centuries before us, I’ll bring you the tales of 16th century England.


Tudor Dynasty Podcast

History Retweeted

This is a fun comedy series that takes you back in time via hashtags, trolls and trending topics into moments from History.


Episode 1 – The Moon Landing
Episode 2 – The Premiere of Romeo and Juliet
The Great Pyramid
The Fall of the Berlin Wall

In our time

The following podcasts, In Our Time, and hosted by the respected broadcaster, Melvyn Bragg, explore a number of events, ideas and people linked to your A Level topic


Mary Queen of Scot
The Spanish Armada
William Cecil
The Tudor State
Frederick Douglass
Tocqueville: Democracy in America
The Death of Elizabeth I
The Statue of Liberty
The Pilgrim Fathers
Tsar Alexander II’s assassination
The American Ideal
The American Century

The History Hour

An hour of historical reporting told by the people who were there. Suitable for A Level/ GCSE students.


The assassination of Medgar Evers
Apollo 13: The drama that gripped the world
The End of the World War One
Korea Divided: A Bitter History
The Woman who stopped equal rights in America
Brown v The Board of Education
100 Women History Hour
Shell Shock
First CIA coup in Latin America
Black American History Special
Black British History
The Kindertransport children
Exploring space
The Tet Offensive

Witness History

On the free BBC Sounds App there is an excellent programme for History students called ‘Witness History’ with over 2500 History stories told by the people who were there. We’ve included a few here but would recommend delving into the archive. Each story is just 9 minutes long.


The New Deal
The doctor who discovered how cholera spread
The Greensboro lunch counter sit-in
The voyage of the Empire Windrush
The US Voting Rights Act of 1965
Shirley Chisholm – the black woman who tried to be president
Nasa’s pioneering black women
When JFK won the US presidency
The Watergate scandal
World War One in Africa
The slaves who defeated Napoleon
Free breakfasts with the Black Panthers
US withdrawal: The fall of Saigon
Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Brown vs the Board of Education
VE Day
The last survivor of the transatlantic slave trade
The last men on the Moon
Red Hollywood
Black GIs during World War Two
Free breakfast with the Black Panthers
Photographing Martin Luther King and His Family
The Dance Theatre of Harlem
Dorothy Mulkey – US Fair Housing Campaigner
16th Street Baptist Church Bombing
I have a dream
The Children’s Crusade
Muhammad Ali and the Draft
The Freedom Riders
U2 Spy Plane
Christmas Truce
The Bristol bus boycott
The Kindertransport children who fled the Nazis
Dr Seuss: the man who taught America to read
The Moon Landing
The siege of Dien Bien Phu
When animals go to war
Women Nurses during World War One
The Beginning of the Korean War
Women in Britain get the right to vote
Eisenhower’s Farewell Address
How British women helped win World War One
The Case of Alger Hiss
The Woman who stopped Equal Rights in America
The Killing of Robert Kennedy
Apollo 8
The Great Plague
The McCarthy Era