Key Stage 4 (Year 10 and Year 11)


Students follow a two-year Key Stage 4, which starts in year 10.

We offer both GCSE and vocational courses. For GCSE courses, all exams are taken at the end of Year 11. The vocational courses we offer allow some flexibility for when the exam unit is completed over the two-year course.

We offer four pathways at Key Stage 4. We launch these through our Year 9 Pathways events with full details shared with students and parents.

  1. Full EBACC with separate Science (Biology, Chemistry & Physics)
  2. Full EBACC with Combined Science
  3. History/Geography but no language
  4. Core Skills/Additional Literacy and Numeracy


Allocation of hours (per fortnight)

Students follow a fortnightly, 50-hour timetable.

Core (examined) Core (non-examined) Option subjects


English – 8 hours Physical Education – 4 hours


Students pick four further subject options. Each of these is allocated 5 hours of lessons. This includes Core Skills for students on this pathway.
Maths – 7 hours Religion & Worldviews – 1 hour
Science – 9 hours


Personal, Social & Health Education – 1 hour


In addition to the core subjects listed, the following subjects make up our curriculum offer:

GCSE courses Vocational courses
Biology, Chemistry & Physics Travel and Tourism
Geography Digital IT
History Music
MFL – Spanish or French Engineering
Computing Sport and Leisure
Business Studies Creative Media
Art Health and Social Care
Food Technology
Physical Education
Philosophy & Ethics

How to find out more information out the curriculum.

Our subject pages have detailed information about courses students will follow at each key stage.  Please click here and select the subject you are interested in; if you still have questions please contact the relevant Head of Department.