The EPQ is a chance for our most able students to pursue an independent course of study, culminating in a project. This might range from a dissertation-style essay to creating a documentary, all based on the student’s own research. Students apply to do the EPQ in June of Year 12, with a view to completing the project during Year 13. Students who are interested in doing the EPQ work with the Head of Year 13 and are assigned a teacher who acts a mentor for the duration of the project. It provides an opportunity for students to extend their abilities beyond the A-level syllabus, and prepare for university or their future career. It can also be used to earn extra UCAS points for those applying to university. This course is particularly useful for students who wish to apply to a Russell Group university. The Oxford Online Maths Club continues to compile and create free mathematics resources for enthusiastic students and prospective university applicants aged (roughly) 16-18. This term we’ll be live on YouTube every Thursday at 5pm with our online after-school maths club livestream, with problems, puzzles, mini-lectures, and Q&A. It’s free, interactive, casual, and relaxed, with an emphasis on solving problems, building fluency, and looking ahead at links to university maths. All the live broadcasts from last year are available to watch now on the maths club website, together with notes on further reading to explore the topics discussed in more depth, from random graph theory to epidemic modelling, and from calculus to prime numbers. Oxford Online Maths Club website: If you are over the age of 16, these resources will help you delve further into current interests as well as perhaps leading you to explore new ones. Take a look at our broad subject areas to discover relevant academic resources as well as finding out how your deep enthusiasm for a subject area maps onto the undergraduate courses offered at Oxford
The Extended Project Qualification
Students are required, with appropriate supervision from their mentor, to:
The EPQ has proved to be popular with students and teachers alike
We follow the AQA Extend Project specification which can be found at this link:
Oxford Online Maths Club
For students over 16
A Level survival (and success) guide
A Guide to surviving (and succeeding) at A Level
Thinking of applying for university? Here are some Extra-curricular ideas:
Sixth form Extra-curricular ideas