The Epraise Reward Scheme

Our Merits reward scheme recognises students’ achievements over the course of the academic year.

There are three levels to the Award, similar to the Duke of Edinburgh. Students can achieve Bronze, Silver, Gold or Platinum standard. To achieve Bronze, students must ordinarily accumulate in excess of 1,250 Merits, more for Silver, Gold and Platinum.

It is expected that most of our students will work to achieve at least Bronze standard as daily Merits are awarded for meeting the basic expectations of the school day, such as attending regularly, on time and with the right equipment for learning.

Achieving Merits towards the scheme


Students obtain Merits in a variety of ways. Their current total is always available and updated daily via the Epraise site.

  • One Merit for every lesson where students are meeting at least the standard of ‘good’. This means bringing correct equipment to lesson, being on time, focusing and engaging in the lesson, not disrupting the learning of others so that they can make at least good progress too. Students can earn up to 1200 points over the course of the academic year for consistent effort in all of their classes.
  • Merits are also rewarded at teachers’ discretion for above and beyond efforts, such as excellent contributions in class, exemplary homework, etc.
  • Students who show really high aspiration regarding their future employability and personal development will also be recognised and awarded extra points. This includes participating in whole school activities such as: Saturday School, team sports, prefect duties, enrichment activities, Open Days, community work and extra classes after school.
  • Especially important is effort over a sustained period of time, as this is how students achieve their target grades. Students are awarded 20 Merits for every excellent effort score on their CAP subject reports and 10 points for every good score.
    Attendance is really important and links strongly to academic outcomes. Every student who achieves 100% attendance will be awarded additional Merits on a termly basis.
  • It is also possible to lose Merits. This happens automatically if a demerit is logged against a student. These demerits can be for anything from lateness to school, talking in class, back chatting a teacher or failing to complete homework.

For every two demerits that a student receives they will receive an automatic lunchtime detention as well as having behaviour points taken away from their overall points total.