The Bicester School’s Personal Development Programme is designed to equip pupils with the necessary skills and information:

  • to be physically and mentally healthy young people,
  • to have the strength of character to lead safe and successful lives,
  • to be prepared for their next steps in education or employment

We aim to ensure that every member of our school community knows that we are committed to supporting their physical health, safety, and emotional wellbeing throughout their time at The Bicester School. We promote personal wellbeing and development through a comprehensive Personal Development programme that is at the heart of our whole school ethos, incorporating:

  • PSHE / RSE curriculum
  • SMSC across the school curriculum
  • Form / Assemblies
  • Careers Guidance
  • Extra-curricular activities
  • Targeted messages to pupils and parents/carers

We ensure each area of the personal development curriculum delivers all aspects of the statutory guidance and reflects our changing needs as a school community.


Activate Learning Education Trust Attributes at TBS

At TBS, our House system is central to how the ALET Attributes (The Learning Philosophy – Activate Learning) are encouraged, recognised, and rewarded.

We use a platform called epraise to communicate information, notices, appointments for parents’ evenings, homework, interventions, and House Points. The latter are awarded by staff for a wide range of behaviours that incorporate and reflect each of the five attributes.




The House system has recently been relaunched. Pupils and staff were asked to contribute ideas, and pupils voted for the new names: Swift, Hawk, Falcon, and Eagle House. Student House Captains from all three Key Stages are tasked with supporting and encouraging their fellow House members to participate in a range of sporting and other competitions, to earn House Points, and to avoid any demerits.

There are also many extra-curricular and supplementary activities in the school that allow our pupils to develo

p the attributes, such as the Sports Leaders programme and the Duke of Edinburgh Award.


Wellbeing Map

Each year, we analyse the specific challenges faced by each year group. The findings from this are then used to create an overview for each year group to ensure we meet their specific needs, by:

  • Responding to the challenges they faced over the previous year.
  • Addressing challenges that they are likely to face this year, and next.

The Wellbeing Map informs the year’s PD Programme, including, for example, whole school priorities, assembly topics, and enhancements to the PSHE curriculum.

PSHE / RSE Curriculum

Personal Social Health Education is taking on greater importance in schools. The DfE released new Relationships Sex Education guidance which must be embedded in all schools. We have implemented this new guidance. However, it is an ongoing process as it must also meet the needs of our pupils.

Year 7 to 11 have one PSHE lesson per fortnight. Sixth form also study PSHE, developed and delivered by the 6th Form team and the RW Department.


Across the wider school curriculum, we ensure pupils learn Citizenship, spiritual, moral, social, and cultural knowledge, and values, and the four strands integral to Fundamental British Values:

  • Democracy
  • The rule of law
  • Individual liberty
  • Mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.

Form Time / Assembly

Form Time

This takes place each morning (except for assembly days) between 08:35-09:00. This is an important Pastoral point of contact with the Form Tutor. There are a range of activities that Form Groups take part in, as well as individual welfare and progress checks. Form Time is also used at different points in the year to help deliver parts of the PSHE curriculum. This may involve, for example, delivery of specialist content by the School Health Nurse.


These are delivered either to Year Groups or Houses. These cover a range of content, such as:

  • Establishing and maintaining high expectations
  • Whole School priority PSHE topics (see ‘Wellbeing Map’).
  • Celebration of success

Careers Guidance

At The Bicester School we provide a comprehensive CEIAG programme to students in every year group and of all abilities, and this includes aspects of work-related learning, enterprise education and option choices.

Views are sought from all stakeholders and the programme evolves year on year to consider the needs of students and the local, national, and global jobs market. The programme is designed to meet the needs of all students at TBS. It is differentiated and personalised to ensure progression through activities that are appropriate to students’ stages of career learning, planning and development. The programme aims to offer career sessions, career guidance activities (group work and individual interviews), information and research, work-related learning, and other outside agency intervention.

Further information

More detailed information can be found at: Careers | The Bicester School

Extracurricular Activities

At The Bicester School, we want our students to succeed academically and to have opportunities to develop personally and socially.


Enrichment provides opportunity for wider development and is available to students in several different ways. The Bicester School currently offers a diverse range of clubs including Duke of Edinburgh, the school newspaper, chess club, music and sports clubs.

Further information

Enrichment | The Bicester School