Here are supporting documents for students to use to work from home.
Note: The content on this page is being updated to accommodate students who require remote learning assets for the 2020 Autumn/Winter term.
How to use the online homework classnote feature
1. Teacher sets a new homework classnote
2. Student goes to the planner, planner > due or profile > classnotes pages to upload their homework
3. Student selects their homework (maximum 3mb)
4. Student confirms this is the correct file and clicks Upload
5. The work is automatically marked as handed in
6. The teacher can download the attachment from the homework assessment view
For more information head over to
Art & Graphics
Year 7,8,9 DT – Ergonomics and Anthropometrics
GCSE Art & Graphics
Please visit ePraise and check your school email where your class teacher will update work regularly
Year 7
Year 7 – Medieval life workbook for groups 4 and 5
Year 7 – Booklet Medieval Life Life and Death in Medieval England
Year 7 – Booklet Tudor England 1
Year 7 – Historical Skills Booklet
Year 7 – History Robin Hood Booklet
Year 7 – Medieval Monarchs workbook
Year 7 – Wars of the Roses Booklet
Year 7 – Introducing The Tudors Work Booklet
Year 7 – The Murder of Thomas Becket- who was responsible
Year 7 – Who started the Great Fire | Year 7 – The Great Fire of London A blessing in Disguise
Year 8
Year 8 – Civil Rights Workbook
Year 8 – English Civil War Booklet
Year 8 – Industrial Britain Work Booklet
Year 8 – The Tudors Work Booklet
Year 8 – Booklet Medical Advancements
Year 8 – Self Isolating Project Victoria and Albert
Year 9
Year 9 – WW1 and medical developments
Year 9 – The Campaign for womens suffrage
Year 10/11
Year 10/11 Anti War Movement in USA
Year 10/11 Why did the US enter the war in Korea
Year 10/11 Vietnam Revision work book
Year 10/11 Revision pack 3 The Cold War in Asia
Year 10/11 Revision pack 3 model answers
Year 11 Health Mock Cheat Sheet
Year 11 Medicine Student Workbook
Year 12/13
ICT and Business
Media Studies
Year 10 Media – Crime Drama revision booklet
Year 11 Media – Crime Drama Revision Booklet
Year 11 Media – GCSE Pick’n’Mix Starters
A Level Coursework Research and Planning Handbook
A Level Media every question comp one and two card sort exercise
Year 12 & 13 EDUQAS Theories Flip book
Year 12 & 13 Media Theory Quilt
Year 12 & 13 Revision Quizzes – Advertising
Religion & Worldviews, Philosophy & Ethics and Sociology
Modern Foreign Languages
Year 12 A-Level
OneDrive > Distance Learning – Psychology > A-Level (Each lesson is dated to when you are timetabled to have a lesson)
Task 1: PPT’s – Please read through the ppt and take notes when appropriate. Complete the given activities. These are to be placed into your white folder.
Task 2: SENECA – This is not compulsory but will complement and consolidate your learning within Task 1.
Task 3: Exam Questions – There is a compulsory 12 mark exam question. There is also a bank of previous exam questions with mark schemes to self-assess.
Task 4: PEEL Sheets – These are revision sheets that I have made. Please use these to help with Task 3/5. Please also use these sheets to produce flash cards/mind map.
Task 5: AO1/2/3 Knowledge Organisers – Please produce your own KO’s. AO1 – Knowledge, AO2 – Application and Scenarios, AO3 – Evaluation. I have provided model answers if you get stuck.
Task 6: Student Upload – Please upload tasks 3 and 5 into this DropBox. I will provide feedback to the exam question and give you direction on how to further your KO’s.
Year 12 BTEC Applied Psychology
OneDrive > Distance Learning – Psychology > Applied Psychology
Please see ePraise for all instructions. You have been set one task for each lesson where you are timetabled to have a lesson.
Work needs to be fully uploaded to the OneDrive folder for marking. I will provide feedback to all work and exam questions.
Year 13 A-Level
Please complete all of the following as directed individually via email:
- AO1/2/3 Knowledge Organisers for Year 1 and Year 2
- Recap on lesson ppt’s using the RAG sheets in your folders (also on the OneDrive)
- Exam question booklets lesson-by-lesson
Physical Education
General Activities
General Activities Year 12
All Year 12 students should continue working on their courses from home. In addition to checking the relevant subjects on the tabs above, students should be checking their emails at least twice a day, as well as ePraise, to see what work needs to be done and to meet deadlines set by teachers, who are working hard to support our Sixth Formers.
This is also a good time to do the following:
- Develop super-curricular knowledge through reading books, listening to podcasts and audio-books and watching tutorials and documentaries related to your studies. This is regarded as crucial by most universities and can have a big impact on final grades.
- Read fiction – this is a good escape, but also helps you develop critical literacy skills
- Use Unifrog and complete your LinkedIn profile to help prepare you for applications next year
- Ensure that all of your folders and notes from Year 12 are in perfect condition and that all work is fully completed. It is never to early to be revising prior learning.
If you are unsure about what you should be doing, please contact your classroom teacher and/or The Sixth Form Team.
If you have any welfare/safeguarding Concerns please contact:
Mr Paul Marshall (Designated Safeguarding Lead) –
Mrs Liz Metcalf (Safeguarding Officer) –