Department Intent

The department believes that Geography is an essential subject for all students.  As argued in the Geography Association’s manifesto (2017, p5) “Geography underpins a lifelong conversation about the earth as the home of humankind. It is fundamental for everyone… (it) fascinates and inspires: the beauty of the earth, the terrible power of earth-shaping forces…. (it) satisfies and nourishes curiosity… deepens understanding…. helps us to live our lives as knowledgeable citizens, aware of our own local communities in a global setting.”


The Geography department aspires to:

  1. Provide an ambitious curriculum for all students
  2. Create active ‘Global Citizens’ who are passionate about investigating and reflecting upon the challenging issues of the world around us and the people who live in it.
  3. To develop an understanding of the world and its processes that matches and where possible, exceeds the requirements of the National Curriculum
  4. Achieve exam results at both GCSE and A level that consistently exceed national averages – aspiring to consistently achieve results in the top quintile nationally.

To help us achieve our intent the Geography curriculum is designed for units to explicitly build on and interleave the knowledge and skills already developed e.g. erosional / hydrological processes in Yr 7 Ice Yr 8 Coasts/ Yr 9 Hazards / yr 10 coasts / yr 11 Water management /   Yr 13 Water cycle


The learning sequence is designed to:

  1. a) Start at a local and national scale e.g. what is my school like?  & India (Yr 7) to increasingly global and abstract issues such as globalisation (Yr 9) and Health and Human Rights (yr 13)
  2. b) Cover a wide range of geographical issues and areas
  3. c) For units to include increasingly more complex concepts and synoptic links


In to delivering the taught Geography curriculum the department aims to play a full part is the wider curriculum by:

  • Providing fieldtrips to add to students’ cultural capital
  • Facilitating an extra-curricular student action group that enables students to take part in active citizenship
  • Provide a vocational route through the BTEC travel and Tourism course.
  • Ensure that the curriculum has a significant number of links to British Values, Citizenship, SMSC, CEIAG, etc.